Top Bloggers in India, Indian bloggers
Bloggers are increasing in India that is true and here I am going to share with you top bloggers in India Because of this of course you can get lot of inspiration from them, even I got inspiration from them.

I got this data from many social sites, if you will see data of few website analytics site like Alexa, there are many sites those having visitor’s proportions more in India as compare any other country, let’s take an example of Quora the question and answer website which is a new start up by an ex. Employee of Facebook.

Well, I know you wanted to know the secrets behind all those successful bloggers, I know there are many bloggers those are quite successful in India, but I have figure out their secrets their niche and of course I have observed about them from more than a year, that’s why I can share with you the real cine behind their success.
  • Amit Agarwal ( Technology Niche Blog
  • Harsh Agarwal ( Blogging Niche Blog
  • Raju ( Technology Niche Blog
  • Shrinivas ( Programming Niche Blog
  • Amit Bhavani ( Technology Niche Blog
That’s a long list, I know you are thinking like this, I can also become like them and make money like them.

That’s right!

There is nothing wrong with it.

But the real fact is everybody cannot become popular blogger, the reason are many but here I will share with you the real facts about them, why they are successful?

Even those facts are lot to keep blogging and finally become a popular blogger.

Most important thing is that they all started with a professional hosting service, so if you are looking for getting chance to get started like them then take the first step and then start your journey with Virmach.

Even for help I have started giving some coupon code for getting discount, here is the article VirMach Promo Code I have using their service from long time its really great.

Well, let me share with you, what I found common in them, that’s why people read their blogs very often and make them popular-

They are Consistence- 

Consistency is the key to become successful this is not only applicable in blogging, this is applicable in life. I have observed each and every top bloggers they blog and keep blogging from years that’s why they are doing the journey of successful blogger.

Write from Experience-

Everybody wants unique piece of information because everybody wants to get more knowledge, even hidden knowledge. One of the best way to provide hidden information that is write from your own experience, it will help you to write detail blog post.

You can also experience it from yourself, if you will write an unique blog post and people want information what you are writing then it is also possible that you can drive 1000 visitors to your blog for that blog post may be per day, it would be depend on potential of visitors.

Write for Beginners- 

This is the point I have noted from Harsh Agarwal, that’s why I even write an article how to create Gmail account and I got around 2K visitors for that article only.

I don’t think so that is bad, the reason is you don’t know about your readers either they are beginners or advanced then why not to write for beginners, raw traffic always make you more money than advanced mature traffic.

Use Screen Shot in Blog Post-

Screen shots play important role in a blog post, it makes more crystal clear to your blog readers about the blog post, I strongly recommend you to use screen shots, if it is need there otherwise you can use image on your blog post, I have seen many top bloggers using it and you can also share the image on Pinterest to get more traffic.

They Used Unique Blog Templates- 

Blog templates is an impression for blog readers, if you will use a simple SEO friendly blog templates then it will improve search engine visibility as well as people are going to love it, if you are not familiar with web designing then buy a template according to your budget.

All of them Using Custom Domain Name- 

Custom domain name means a brand better ranking in search engines, easy for people to remember, this is needed for every blogger, but do not switch to domain name if already have established sub domain name blogs better to go for new blog.

E-mail Marketing to Get in Touch with Readers-

E-mail marketing helps you to improve relationship with your readers, I prefer two services out there for this, best way is Aweber, you must try it from very first day of blogging, this mistakes has been made by many popular bloggers.

Social Shares (Facebook, Twitter, Stumble Upon etc)-

Social medias are working like press, if anything will be in press then almost everybody come to know about the fact, social media work like the same way, if you want to get notice by people then use social medias to promote your blog posts, ask your friends to like your blog posts, it works, it worked for me.

Google Plus Authorship- 

Google authorship has been introduces by Google but in late 2013 almost all bloggers used this feature, actually you must use this feature it will definitely increase CTR rate, but use one stylish image on Google plus profile.

About Me Page- 

This is my personal experience, actually my blog about me page is one of the popular blog post of my blog, then I have notice there are bloggers those are popular they are all have about me page, all of them shares something about them.

I hope you are going to create about me page, see if you want to become successful then copy those already successful, but in blogging don’t copy their content, copy their way of blogging.

They Write Often-

As a blogger you must write at least twice in a week, but that is not fixed you can write according to you, remember whatever you are writing must be useful for your blog readers.

If you are taking seven days to write an article then it should be worth it, to write often with a new story you need to keep experimenting with new things in your niche.

Invite Others for Guest Blogging- 

Guest blogging is one of the best way to established yourself in the internet world, but now it is little harmful if you are doing it only because of link building this fact I came to know from Matt Cutts (Google web spam head), so what you should do for not getting penalized by Google updates, you should guest blog, but write a guest blog post on only related niche blog and go for quality not for quantity, I mean write an article that’s why readers don’t need to jump to another search results, I mean readers must be satisfy after getting information from your blog post.

SEO Matter in Blogging- 

SEO itself a huge term, but it is great, especially for internet money makers, if you want to really make money online from blogging, then you must learn SEO, see I know it will take time to learn but later you will get more benefit of it, you can hire any SEO agency for it, if you can afford otherwise learn it.

All are Eager for Blogging-

If I would use Passionate rather than Eager then it would have been more suited, well I don’t want to change right now, of course you got it, that is my primary motive. If you are not passionate about blogging then don’t start other than try to get very good job or try other method like affiliate marketing

But, affiliate marketing needs money as well as proper planning, otherwise you will loose money one of the tip, I would like to share here capture e-mail addresses of people.

I mean don’t promote directly the product first capture the e-mail address then send the traffic to the affiliate product, the reason is quite simple, because everybody is not going to buy the product, then if you will not capture their e-mail then you loose them, if you capture, you can promote any other product later, the best e-mail capture service provider is Aweber.

Used Google Adsense

As an Indian blogger Google Adsense is dream in terms of getting approval, but I hope it won’t be in future but for this time you need to keep trying to get approval from Google adsense, I don’t have very good idea to get approval from Google Adsense.

But very soon, I will write about it, because it is needed indeed for Indian bloggers, it is true Google Adsense still the best ads networks for bloggers as well as for advertisers.

Related articles related to Google Adsense-
  1. Google Adsense PIN Not Received India Solution to Verify Address in India
  2. Joy of Seeing First 10,000 Impressions on Google Adsense Dashboard

Promote Affiliate Programs- 

Affiliate programs make bloggers millionaires, see in blogging only two ways to make more money either promote affiliate products, another way to make money is creating your own products like e-books, membership sites etc, but for all these you need traffic and traffic comes only because of good amount content, you can easily find affiliate products of Clickbank.

Direct Sell Ads Space- 

Selling direct ads means you will get 100% revenue of selling ads on your blog, well you can easily maintain all these just signup with BuySellsAds, you must try it, but you need to have more traffic for it, see traffic will not come to your blog for free you need to do hard work for it, remember this.

Used Google Tools(Analytics, Webmaster Tools)- 

Google is amazing, Google just solve the real problem of people that is they saving time of billions of people, that is I called Google is the modern God.

You can ask for anything and everything but as a blogger you must used Google analytics to analyse your blog traffic, search queries, real time traffic, time spend by them and of course Webmaster tools to know the real inside view of your blog.

It will also help you to know the real problems of your blog, it will also help you to solve those problems.

Keywords Research- 

Keywords research is one of them way to drive more traffic to your blog, because if you want to earn more money from blog then it is so simple you must need very good traffic, if you want money then you need to have traffic it is clear. You can try Google suggest as well as use Google Keyword Planner for keyword research.

Actually this tool will tell you approximate people are searching for particular keyword, now these days many top bloggers in the world are using long tail keywords like if you want to write about cooking chilly chicken then you can also use title like how to cook chilly chicken quickly or you can use specific time for it like how to cook chilly chicken Indian style, that is the beauty of long tail keywords.

All of them Good Human Beings- 

How I am telling all of them are very good human beings, because they are really doing awesome job, of course they are getting benefit of it, but I mean think about it, they are all doing all these for you and of course they are not charging anything for it directly.

Only those people are good human beings they can easily become popular not even in India, in the world, but dear it will take time.

Success will not come in a day, you have to do consistence work for it, I know it is difficult but this is true, if you can work hard with using your brain then no body can stop you, above all facts I have provided, if you will follow them then you can understand what will happen.

I will ask for your favor, please share this article on Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus.

Is there anything else you have observed about them?