PopCash.net Review, Payment Proof, Popcash CPM Rate
PopCash.net is one of the leading Pop Up ad network which provides good CPM Rate, that's why even I am writing Popcash Review 2025 well there are many using this pop up ads network already and of course they are making lot of money, I know why you are looking for this ads network, you want to earn more money right!

Popcash Review 2025- High CPM Rate Pop Ads Network
PopCash at a Glance
This is one of the type of top pop under ad network in the world, which provides amazing CPM Rate
User Interface
Its really simple and user friendly
Payment Proof
I have earned over $100 from this ad network, that means this is a legit network
Time Duration to Get Payment
After applying for payment I usually get payment within two working days
Ways to Get Payment
You have multiple options to get payment but I prefer through Paypal
Minimum Threshold
My Personal Experience
It’s been very good
Approval Process
It is really quiet easier to get approved almost every type of blog get approval
Type of Ads Network
Pop ads network
Alexa Ranking
It’s worldwide alexa rank is 157, think about its popularity in the world
Overall Rating
9/10 as a publisher

Then, I will recommend you to at least try this advertisement network, see advertisement networks can not make you real cash but for consistent income it is good, there is no doubt about it, you have to admit this, I mean to make money online from blog or website you need to keep experimenting and find out which one is better for you, but don't compromise with content of your blog remember this.

Here is the screen shot of total payment I have received from Popcash-
popcash payment proof,

I know after looking at earning almost everybody pumped up, but if you wanted to earn money may be offline or online then you need to do certain things, which includes-
  1. Hard work
  2. Proper planning
  3. Patience
  4. Learning & then 
  5. At the end earning
Okay, let me tell you few important Facts about PopCash.

How Much Popular is PopCash.net Among Publishers-

If you will see Alexa ranking of the PopCash.net then it is really awesome here is the real statistics-
  • Alexa Ranking Worldwide- 157
  • Alexa Ranking Japan- 255
  • Alexa Ranking India- 242
  • Alexa Ranking Indonesia-38
  • Alexa Ranking Mexico- 120
After looking at the statistics any one can say the popularity of the ads network, I mean think this about the website which got Alexa rank under 1000 within few months of launching.

Approval Process of PopCash.net-

Well, it is not that much difficult for any blog or website, if you got traffic then you can easily get approval they  will not take more time for approval hardly one to two days.

By looking at the features and popularity of the ad networks, I think the network will grab huge market in future.

Payment Process of PopCash.net

Well, they are now sending payment through three sources those are-
  • Paypal
  • Payza
  • Paxum
Three are good to get payment, but I am using Paypal as a Blogger in India- it is good so far for me, you can use it, specially I like there auto-payment withdraw to bank account, more important on your own desired currency.

How to Make More Money from PopCash.net

Traffic, if you have more traffic then you can make more money with it, it is simple, but to get more traffic you need to have ideas, writing skills and many more things.

But, one thing I want to clear here, if you will get more traffic from English speaking countries then your earning will definitely increase.

Minimum Balance Required for Withdraw on PopCash.net

Its $10!

Once you will reach then you can apply for withdraw request, after placing withdraw request you need to wait for few days to get payment, okay how many days- not more than 7 days.

I don't know about you, may be you are a blogger, internet entrepreneur or anybody, but you want to earn money that is for sure.

I don't know whether this advertisement network will be good for you or not, but I do know it will work for you, otherwise the ads network can not grow rapidly.

Updated 2016 with a successful story with Popcash- Well the networks which is becoming helpful for bloggers, actually few of my blog readers making even more than $1000 from advertisement networks, actually recently I talk to one of my client, he is belonging from India and he is running a blog, for a security I can not share with you how much traffic he is getting on his blog, but yes initially he was not happy because he was earning very less amount as compare to traffic he was driving to his blog.

So, I have suggested him to use Popcash on his blog and after using this ads networks his blog earning dramatically changed these days he is making lot of money, because money was coming to his account and he was putting lot of effort on his blog to get more traffic and he is really happy from Popcash, later I have suggested him to use other networks on his blog to get more out of it- Those I called Indian Adsense Alternatives for Publishers.

Okay, I hope you got something that’s why you will motivated too, to keep writing awesome useful blog posts for readers that’s why they will be thankful for your blog posts and say thanks to you through comments and of course they will eager to share your content on social media which will be helpful to make close relationship with you.

Popcash Payment Proof-

I know dear you are looking for payment proof, that’s why I have tested this ads network on my blog to earn few dollars, that’s why I can share with you; here is the payment proof of this ads network.

Popcash Payment proof 2015

Top Ten Points I have Noticed about Popcash.net-

As a publisher, I must appreciate about this ads network and I am sure this ads network is going to reach on the top very soon, I mean this ads networks really helping publishers as well as advertisers to get benefit of internet marketplace, advertisers are promoting their brand in very good reasonable price and publishers are earning money from their blog or websites, so here are those points to notice about this Popcash.net-
  1. You can easily reach to earn your first ever income from internet
  2. Joining process is really super simple
  3. No need to have any technical knowledge to add Popcash code to blog
  4. No need to take tension whether readers clicking on ads or not you will get revenue according to visitors
  5. User interface of this ads network is really super simple anyone can use even newbie’s
  6.  This ads network website is becoming extremely popular in the entire world its world ranking according to Alexa is 256 and that’s really awesome.
  7. There are many ways to withdraw your earning money like Paypal, Payza, Paxum, and I am using Paypal in India to get paid directly in my bank account.
  8. You need to have only $10 to withdraw amount and that’s really pretty awesome for small publishers
  9. Bloggers can earn money from any country traffic that is the really beauty of this ads network
  10. Their sending payment date is almost daily working days.

How to Register & Add Popcash Code to Blogger-

Well, I have already shared about many ads networks, my own experience and of course I believe in transparency. so I never forget to add payment proof, here in this blog post I putted payment proof too, that’s why you will get inspiration to earn more and more money from Popcash. See, if any one become something from an idea then I must say there is something awesome behind this, that is a CAUSE, see find out that cause if you also wanted to become someone and earn more money, get more fans and live a wonderful life.

Okay, let me share with you the step by step process to sign-up or registered to this ads network & then add code to blogger-
  • First click here to land on the official page of Popcash
  • Now you will see a webpage which is just given below that’s why you will be land on the right page, then you need to filled information according to the page and at the end click on Submit
Sign Up for Popcash pop under ads network
  • Then you will be land on the Popcash dashboard and then you will see a dashboard which is the user’s area of Popcash
  • Then you will see Publisher on the top of the dashboard but on the left hand side just below, you can see Add Website, just click on there and then you need to click on again “Add a new website”, then you will see another page, like I have given below in the screen shot-
Add New blog to Popcash for approval

  • Now you need to add domain name of your blog, like I have put as http://www.bloggerhowtoseotips.com, now you need to add category of the blog, then you need to put whether you want to show adult ads or not like for my blog, I don’t want to show adult ads that’s why I will click on Disable, then I will click on add website.
  • Then you need to wait till your blog will get approval, because till that time you will not see that your blog is added to Popcash rather you will see that your blog approval status in pending, I hope very soon your blog will get approval.
  • Then click on get code, this option is there only, then copy that code and then add to blogger, well I know if you are newbie then I am pretty sure it would be difficult to add code to blogger, that’s why I have written completely details blog post that is about adding any codeHTML/Javascript code to blogger.

What Next After Earning $10 to Get Money in your Bank Account-

Well, I can understand about your feeling probably you wanted to know how you can get your money into your bank account directly when you will reach to $10 threshold because in Popcash if you want to withdraw cash then you need to earn at least $10.

Then first you need to have your Paypal account and then you have to use e-mail address which e-mail address you have used to create paypal account.

Well, may be you are reading or knowing about Paypal first time then let me tell you, after knowing the problems of bloggers in India, I have written a blog post which is having and details guide to create paypalaccount in India and get verified.

Okay, now let me share with you steps to withdraw amount from Popcash-
  • First of all you need to log in to your account
  • And then you need to scroll down your screen then you will see an option that is billing, then you will see two options those are Deposit and Cash out.
  • Now you need to click on cash out, now you need to write amount which should be less than amount you have earned and then write your e-mail address which you have used to create Paypal account, choose to select your processor, like I am using Paypal to withdraw, so I choose Paypal as my processor and then click on Request Cash out.
Most Amazing Blog Post- How to Monetize Your Blog Smart Way

I hope these steps help you lot, I am really eager to know your response about this advertisement network and if you need to know any other thing about this ads network then let me know.

Popcash.net Numerous Payment Proof in 2025-

Well, I am really super excited because its time to share with you proof for which this blog post just amazing for new bloggers for inspiration, oh yes if you wanted to start professional blog then I will suggest you at this time to look at two hosting companies, Unihost Review and FastComet Review 2025 amazing hosting service providers, here is the below screen shot you will see number of payment proof of popcash which is just good enough for you to stay motivated and keep blogging that's why you can earn more and more from blogging.

Okay here is the screen shot of payment proof-
Paycash.net payment proof 2016, blogger paid from popcash.net, Got paid from popcash.net in India

My Top Ten Reasons to Join Popcash.net in 2023-

Okay, are you ready to know all those 10 reasons to join Popcash.net, okay then let's get started-
  • Its absolutely free for bloggers to join
  • They offer hustle free code to add to your blog
  • Pretty good tension free ad 
  • E-CPM rate is just fantastic mine at least $3 and which is better than industry standard
  • Well, I got paid payment many times with total earning proof is given below-
Popcash.net payment proof, Indian traffic ad network, best cpm network, best pop ad networks
  • Here is the another proof which shows that how much I have earn from Popcash till now-
Popcash Payment Proof, Indian Blogger Popcash
  • Its approval process is pretty fast and that's why I like this network, because they are dynamic
  • Its payment process is also fast
  • Over all I will give 9 out of 10 for bloggers and if you are getting majority of your blog traffic from India then this is a good ad network for increasing revenue of your blog.
                    <<Click Here Now & Get Instant Approval>>
Here, I wanted to share personal experience about blogging see, you want to get huge success in blogging then you need to get out of ads network mind set yes to earn money pocket money, ads network is okay but to earn real income you need to learn about two things those are selling other people products that is affiliate marketing and another one is creating your own product may be video course is very hot in many developing countries like India.

I will suggest you to know the hybrid system of 2023 which I have shared in my recent article that is Blogging Vs YouTube which one is better to start.

I hope you got something interesting about Popcash, actually whatever information I have provided in this blog post it is all about my personal experience, see only driving traffic in not good enough to earn money online rather you must have an advertisement network which will convert your blog traffic into real cash and that is exactly Popcash is doing for us, I mean for bloggers.

See, only putting this ads network on blog is not going to help you to more earn money, of course your earning will be increase in the same amount of traffic or visitors but you have to make strategies that's why traffic will increase day by day.

Is there any other network which help you to make more money from blog?